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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The marina Lefkas Harbour is located in Lefkáda (Greece). All guests who moor there will have access to very basic services, such as water, electricity and gas station. Its users may take advantage of its complete basic range of services. This medium-capacity marina has moorings for super yacht size, because it has moorings for boats with a maximum length of up to 40.00 m and a maximum draught of 12.00 m. .

This marina has a complementary selection of nautical activities, so you can practice a number of different sea-related sports. In addition to coming by boat, you can also reach the marina by air, given the short distance between the marina and the nearest airport.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: Lefkas Harbour Contract Yacht Services Ltd, Petrou Filipa 3, Lefkas 31100, Greece
Radio channel: 69
Moorings: 400 moorings
Latitude:: 38° 50.1408' N     Longitude:: 20° 42.5910' E
Draught max: 12.00 meters     Length max: 40.00 meters


  • Sporting activities Sporting activities
  • Drinkable water Drinkable water
  • Bank Bank
  • Bar/Restaurant Bar/Restaurant
  • Electricity Electricity
  • Gas station Gas station
  • Crane Crane
  • Ramp Ramp
  • Car rental Car rental
  • Medical services Medical services
  • Market Market

The most recent comments about Lefkas Harbour

Hi Anne, Ports that do not have fees introduced in the system can give a wrong price. In this case, the rates are just indicative. For exact pricing, please, send us the details of your boat (length, width and depth) the dates and the port where you want to make the reservation, as well as a mail or contact number to send the budget. Our mail: or by calling (+34) 902 091 582 Thank you!


Hi, I tried your booking system but I get a price, 85 euro for one night mooring? Is this a mistake? I can not imagine prices so high, and we are now doubting if we should come.. Is this true or a mistake? This is more the price for a hotel room I think. Thanks for the info.


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